Tuesday, October 21, 2008

English and my grandmother

My grandmother is a diabetic and hence is very health conscious. She takes good care of herself and makes sure that all are health check up are done regularly. She came back from USA 2 months back and was keen on getting all her checkups done as soon as possible. one of the check up includes eye check up since diabetics are prone to cataract more than the rest.
So we got an appointment for getting her eye check up done. The usual practice is to show the jumbled up alphabets in various size to check their sight. So the doctor put up the English alphabets and asked her to read it. My mother told the doctor "Doctor, Its better u put up the kannada alphabets". Exactly at the same time my grandmother goes "A D E..."everyone is just stunned and my mother was totally embarassed. The doctor said" see she is already reading it ". Everyone is grinning but my grandmother was busy reading the alphabets unaware of people grinning around her. My grandmother has hearing problem and didnt register even a single thing that happened there.
That was the best joke of the day. She learnt the english alphabets when she was in USA. Not everyone has the zeal to learn in the age of 75. :).
My grandmother is the cutest when she does such things unaware of what she just did. Later when we told her about what she did and how others laughed, she took it so well. She started laughing too. Grandmothers are so lovable! :)


Bindu said...

ofcourse she is damn cute and pretty.i have always missed having grandparents!

TB said...

Well, sadly enough, time and time again, people tend to forget those who tilled the garden and watered the plants. In this case, I must mention myself. I never really do, but this is quite a humorous situation, which calls for a little explaining. Years ago, when I was missing teeth, and basically in my "awkard stage," for a lack of better words, I conceived the brillant idea of teaching my Kannadigan grandmother some old school English! Poor lil' Taara Bee, labored for days and months, convincing my resilient grandmother to give the alphabet a mere chance. After refusals upon refusals, I managed to muster up a completed alphabetical recitation from her. As easy as a task this sounds, it really wasn't. Poor old dorky me, even made ugly alphabet books made out of construction paper, which is currently no where to be seen! So amidst all the struggles, I was utterly proud to hear of this story. Of course, my granny is one modern-savvy lady, but I guess it just gives my teaching skills some legitimacy, right?

Shwetha said...

yup thanks to the "GURU". All credits to her! the blog is here coz she taught my granny english alphabets.